
With Trumpism still alive, we aim to decisively end it.

Our overall goals are to:

  • Achieve and keep Democratic control of the House, Senate, and Presidency
  • Flip and keep selected state legislatures blue, especially those meaningful in national elections
  • Build a robust, diverse, and progressive Democratic bench by supporting promising candidates
  • Achieve and maintain fair elections, robust voting rights and access, and fairly-drawn districts
  • Get to know, support, and reinforce each other.

Our goals for 2025 are to:

  • Win the Wisconsin Supreme Court election thereby maintaining the liberal majority
  • Flip the Virginia governorship and maintain the Democratic majority in the Virginia House of Delegates
  • Develop training and new approaches to reach and persuade voters more effectively
  • Prepare for the 2026 midterms by identifying and acting on opportunities in likely swing states and districts
  • Where the opportunity presents itself, build the Democratic bench by:
    • Building strength in state legislatures
    • Electing progressive governors, mayors, and future progressive champs

    More About These Goals…

    We are focused solely on elections. We target our work so that our time is spent on things with the greatest chance of moving the needle.

    • We engage in general elections only, not primaries (except in very limited circumstances), because local people know their politics best – who they prefer on issues and who they will support in the general.
      • In Maryland, we may engage in primaries for key national/statewide elections, as well as against particularly dreadful primary candidates.
    • We target candidates in elections that are toss-ups and near toss-ups – candidates who need a boost (not a miracle) to get over the top.
    • Where possible, we focus on states with multiple races, where there will be synergy in strengthening the Democratic ticket.
    • We don’t focus on sure bets or hopeless causes, no matter how much we personally love or are inspired by a particular candidate.
    • For fundraising targets, we take an even closer look, focusing on those contests where additional money can make a significant difference. We don’t raise funds for candidates who are the most or least likely to win, or who already have (or are likely to get) sufficient funding from others.