Canvass for Michael Feggans in Virginia Beach, VA
for the VA House of Delegates
Saturday, November 4 & Sunday, November 5, 2023
With reproductive rights, easy access to books, and more on the line, let’s make sure the VA House is blue in November! We’ll be knocking doors for Michael Feggans, During his 20-year service in the U.S. Air Force, he was active in the Virginia Democratic political scene, working for Governor Mark Warner, Senator Jim Webb, and later Governor Terry McAuliffe. He received a BA in Healthcare Administration and is currently the owner of a cybersecurity consulting firm. He is also a dog lover, comic book collector and calls himself a big nerd. Feggans’ top issues are preserving reproductive rights and improving education by increasing teacher and support staff pay. Other interests include support for veterans and small business owners working in renewable energy sectors.
Carpooling is an option and we can help arrange overnight accommodations for those staying over. Training and canvassing partners are available as needed – so come out, get energized, and talk one-on-one with voters about the Dem priorities and why turning out for the November election is so important.
Contact us if you have questions.