Donate Wisely to Tip Tight Elections Blue

Flip the Senate BLUE!

Click HERE to support these Senate candidates who will flip the Senate blue – and need money now to do that!

Strengthen the HOUSE!

Click HERE to support these Reps and challengers in tight elections against pro-Trump Republicans!

Flip the States BLUE!

Click HERE to support candidates to help flip their legislatures from red to BLUE in time for redistricting!

Why Donate Through These Links?

First – We make it easy.  One click and you help support all of the top priority candidates and incumbents in toss-up races and in need of funds.

Second – Our targeting is trustworthy.  We target candidates in elections that are toss-ups and near toss-ups – candidates who need a boost (not a miracle) to get over the top.  For our fundraising targets, we take an even closer look. Our targeting team pours over analyst data and financial spreadsheets, to identify campaigns where more money would make a big difference – candidates with a solid chance of winning but who need financial help.  These candidates have are either even or below their Republican opponents in fundraising – or in some especially Trumpy districts, they are ahead but not as far ahead as they need to be.  When you donate to our slate, you can be sure that your money will be working to actually flip elections.  We don’t raise funds for candidates who are sure bets or lost causes, or those who are getting sufficient funding from other sources.  For more information on our targeting methodology, please click here and click on the “SSPA Targeting” tab.

In the age of PACs and mega-donors, does my donation really make a difference?

Yes! Individual donations, combined together, are the backbone of many campaigns. And it’s not just the amount the makes a difference – the number of individual donations is another measure that speaks to a candidate’s strength and allows them to attract even bigger donations.

In general, 80% of the money will likely come from 20% of donors. But that last 20% is important – remember, we are targeting VERY close elections.  Your money might buy one more mailing to a target neighborhood, or an ice cream social (back in the day), or pay a college student for a few weeks of work – and tip the balance.

The super-rich are putting their money into PACS and independent campaigns – where there are no limits, no reports, no public scrutiny.  It’s a real problem.  But that money must be spent independently of the campaign.  The candidates don’t control it. They can use our donations directly.

You can read more here:

You – yes YOU – can be a fundraiser too!

Help us raise even more money to get these great candidates elected!

We can ALL help, regardless of our financial status. Beyond making a contribution yourself, you can be a “multiplier” and help us raise funds for these worthy candidates, and nudge them over the top. SSPA’s fundraising approach provides a simple and painless way to raise money for our selected candidates – even if you’ve never raised money before. Like everything else we do, this is no-stress, no-guilt – give it a try and see what you think. To learn more, sign up here for our Fundraising Team – no commitments, and we promise zero pressure.