Phonebank for Travis Nembhard for A Blue Virginia

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 – 7:00 to 8:30 pm

With reproductive rights, easy access to books, and more on the line, let’s make sure the VA House of Delegates turns blue in November! We’ll be phonebanking for Travis Nembhard, a young attorney, former financial regulator for the DC government, and former administrative law judge. Travis is the husband of a Spanish teacher and the parent of two young children and wants to strengthen the education system for educators and students. He also wants to advance gun safety laws and supports legislation to provide universal childcare and paid family leave.

Join SSPA for (pick one):

  • Experienced Phonebanking – Call voters to help Dems win a crucial State race!
  • Phonebanking 101 – Learn how to reach out to voters using one of the most effective tools available.