Make Calls to Register Pennsylvania Voters – IN-PERSON
June 2, 2021
Join us to make calls to likely Democratic voters in Pennsylvania! We are calling unregistered potential Democrats and encouraging them to send in a voter registration form that has already been mailed to them.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This is SSPA’s initial IN-PERSON phonebank since the pandemic began. We are limiting attendance to the first eight (8) registrants. Please sign up for this only if you are fully vaccinated (plus two weeks) and comfortable being in a private home with other fully vaccinated people. Some phonebanking experience is recommended for this in-person phonebank.
Please bring your fully charged laptop computer and cell phone with you. A headset is helpful if you have one. Bring any chargers you may need, as well.
The phonebank will be in a private home in the Woodside area of Silver Spring. The address will be provided in the registration confirmation email.
Contact us if you have questions.